& so once again I take claim to this plot of land on cyberspace. Hohoho.
My weekend was as usual tiring.
It's my 2nd consecutive week to kick start my Saturday at 6am due to photo shooting. & if I were to include the coming Saturday, it's gonna be the 3rd. But this time round it's gonna be different because it's my first paid shoot that Mervin has organised for myself, deanne and another model I will be meeting for the first, Evangeline. I'm soo nervous with a max of 6 photographers stationed at different areas and we'll be taking turns to go to them.
I really enjoy working with Mervin. We can clique well. & guess what. He's born in the year of 1990. Younger than me! Hohoho.
I didn't like him (just the feel) the first time I met him but subsequently he begin to remove that line between us and we could all talk about anything and everything & he's seriously hilarious. He laughs at every little thing and the way he does it makes me want to laugh too and not because the thing he said was funny. Hahaha! :D
On Saturday, the weather wasn't in our favour. It rained and Deanne, Mervin, his friend Hui Ming (another photographer) & myself ended up chilling and chatting over morning coffee in Starbucks till the rain stopped. I enjoyed this shoot best. We all had so much fun and we could talk about everything and anything.. Felt really stress-less this time round. X)
But Mervin actually broke a sad news to me. He said he'll probably not be organizing shoots anymore but he said he wouldn't let our employment journey just end here. He said he knew of really nice organizers out there that could lead us thereafter.
Well, to me that wasn't really the point. It takes some connection and affinity between a model and her photographer to be able to work together to produce a beautiful end result.
It's tested and proven trust me.
Among all my photos, the ones taken with Mervin are the best. (Imho.)
Because when you feel good, you look good. When you don't feel good, it just shows on your face.
I was just chatting with Khang wei, whom I did my 3rd photoshoot with.
He said most of my photos, my eyes just didn't connect. I expected just as much that my photos wouldn't really turn out well simply because I had six mosquito bites on my legs while waiting for deanne to be done with her shoots. So by the time it was my turn, my mind was literally on my legs. Super bloody itchy! Take one photo, fidget and scratch abit. Take another photo, stamp my foot and jump abit. To the extent khang wei had to use his props to fan my legs for me. LOL. -.-"
So anyway, here are a few of the sneak peaks that he showed me first. Speaking of which, I really need a fringe cut. I give up trying to keep it long. Bad hair days on every shoot! Tsk.

Of course, you may want to ignore the chui fringe. =O
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