Ill? Check.
Angsty? Check.
Depressive? Check.
Mmm, I'm working on that to bring up that balance from going into deficit. Soo.. Half-check?
But sometimes, people help hold you up. Though the person who held you up might not be the one you wished it was. But well, be appreciative that someone out there even bothers. Right?

& out of that mode of appreciation, the misery dispelled.
So that brings me to today. Though through a bad night's sleep.
There's been thoughts. Train of thoughts.
But there's nothing truly honest that I can write nor say.
So I've decided to be patient with myself. For all that frustration and anger does only evil.
Perhaps let the angst and the gray matter come to a settle & hopefully an agreement.
Till then, if it's alright I'll wait through the silence.
No doubt the silence and loneliness that punctuates the gaps between each text is painfully hard to bear...
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