Last week, the king initially suggested bringing me to eat expensive stuff at expensive places.
But I was against all his suggestions simply because I thought the food's expensive and quality isn't worth it at all. Then he joked to go to Hawker Centre which I cross my heart and swear even if we ended up at a hawker, I wouldn't mind at all.
To me, with just his being and presence beside me on such a special day, that's all that really matters. ((:
So we headed to our fave Fishhead steamboat place and bloated ourselves mad with just the steamboat and 2 other dishes. Thankfully I was smart enough to stop him from ordering the 3rd. LOL.
I wasn't actually anticipating for anything because we both are really a very realistic couple who don't believe in extravagance but reality. We don't exchange gifts on anniversaries and days like today or even to the extend of birthdays if we both don't need anything. Instead, if there's anything we like, we'll just take turns to get for each other on any other day.
He's awfully lucky I'm not the kind of girl who'll kick up a huge hoo haa if I don't receive gifts or surprises. Hor Baybee? Hahaha!
"Self praise's no praise man." =p
So anyway! The King's awfully sweet that he did actually get me something!
Flowers that will never ever wither!!!
Truth is, I've always told him how he don't have to bother buying me flowers cause I never used to like flowers. I thought they were expensive and a waste of money because they wither and die within days. & there goes the man's $$$. Kaching! T_T
See what I mean.. Like I mentioned earlier, I'm pretty much a realistic girl. Hahaha. =X
But maybe it's the age or something, I don't know? Somehow, this year I had this little hope etched in a small part of me to receive some flowers. Nobody knew of course.
& coincidentally! My realistic King decided to get me flowers that will never wither. It's my first bouquet from him and I get to keep it with me forever!!! Hohoho!
A lil surprised and happy maximums! :D :D :D

From my daddy's reaction when I came home and showed off my flowers, I bet he thinks it's pretty too! Hahaha! =X

Needless to say, "I Love You!"
Bery berries berrily much! ♥
♥ xoxo,
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