How was your weekend?I had a pretty good one. ;)
Friday night,
Ric, Peggy, Lionel, King & myself met up somewhere around Bugis Iluma.
While they were brainstorming on our plans for the night, I went over to I ♥ Taimei to get my first cup of Bubble Milk Tea because there's no such thing as Honey Green Tea there. *wails* ~>.<~
Whatever it is, I could make do with milk tea to satisfy the bubble tea craving. ;D
Wonders of greed+desperation. I hear snickers already. Lol!
If you're thinking why I didn't go for Koi instead, let's just say imho, Koi's overated. *shrugs*
No offence Koi fans. =\
Headed to Serangoon Garden K Garden thereafter. Fortunately there was a room available in 30mins. It was a K Friday night for all of us.
As usual, once the King starts dedicating songs, the entire playlist from then would be his and the boys', leaving Peggy & I listening to em instead. But it was all good because Peggy the fishy & I had that awesome chance to have a heart to heart talk. ♥
Been awhile since I found someone matured enough to share such conversations with. Noticed I said matured; Literally age related. Not that my fishy's old. But somehow of late, people I've met are all late 80s or even 90s. It's a very saddening situation. Even Yuan Yuan's born in 1989.
Someone just tell me that I'm age-ing and hitting my quarter-life crisis soon. =O
Oh, have I said it yet? "Fishy's da best!" xD
Right. End of Friday.
My Saturday was basically me, clad in my Miffy-inspired dress, stuck in my King's Royal Room watching "Who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell.. You know you love me. Xoxo, Gossip Girl."
How many of you reading my little space's having the familiar bell ringing in your ear? LOL.
I'm still stuck in Season 1 since forever simply because time doesn't allow me the luxury to just chill and watch shows at home. Considering the prelims are in 3 weeks time and finals in less than 3 months time. Oh my gawd, I'm feeling the sweat on my palms already. =S
Oogay!End of my weekend updates.No monday blues tomorrow because it's ♥-is-in-the-air Day!!!I get to go on dinner date with mah king! Yayness.I loveeeee my Mr TKP aka Pengy aka King!Times spent with him are never enough. xDNot only have I got wishes from the king,Mr Moron (Hahaha! I doubt he'll be reading this anyway.) and Uncle Yong surprisingly wished me too! Such sweet pals!Not forgetting Annoying Lim who though have been MIA, but just wrote on my wall wishing me Happy vday. Awwww.Why thank you, you guys just made my day! :DTo all the couples out there, I hope you guys have the loveliest time together!As for the singles, Valentine's Day's Bestie's Day too! Share the love with your best friends or people whom you love.Because LOVE IS IN THE AIR!
Spread the loveeeeee guys!!!♥xoxo,Rin